ASUS R2H UMPC at OrigamiProject com

If youve followed the Microsoft Origami Project at all youde know that the ASUS R2H Ultra Mobile PC has constantly come up on peoples wishlist. Tonight I spotted some photos that were posted by a Forum Member of that I thought were worth passing on.

Photo A. shows the packaging, always cool for me to see; and photo B. the all important thickness of the device.

Snipping from forum:


Today I received the ASUS R2H... Yippie! I was pleasantly surprised; its very complete with a foldable Targus keyboard with auto-rollup cable, a desktop stand, a nice bag to hold it and lots of cables, books and CDs.Theres even an USB netlink cable included!

I said earlier the Dutch version doesnt have Bluetooth and the Webcam. It does however have Bluetooth so only the Webcam is missing.

Photo A.

Photo B.

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