Dr Neils Notes and UberTablet Guy

Last night I was with my friend Dr. Neil Roodyn. Given that he was a Tablet MVP, now MVP for Windows Live Development, he and I decided to rip a podcast (please dont sue me Apple).

Now one thing you need to understand about Neil and I is that we both love public speaking (weird I know) and were both considered to be volume challenged (i.e. loud).

So if youre game, or just plain willing to listen in on a couple of geeks have a mobile tech chat, hop on over to Dr. Neils Notes show #21:

Welcome to Show 21
  • Welcome back special guest Hugo "UberTablet" Ortega
  • Hugo is a Tablet PC MVP
  • Dr. Neil is now a Windows Live Developer MVP
  • Touchscreen tablet for a 3 year old with cerebral palsy
  • Redmond - what has Dr. Neil been doing there?
  • Where is my UMPC pod blaster?
  • This podcast was recorded on a Samsung Ultra Mobile PC with Castblaster

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