Sydney Newspaper says Keep Taking the Tablet

On one of my recent trips to Melbourne I left the EO Ultra Mobile PC with Journalist Adam Turner. Ive followed his reviews for a while in such publications as APC and ROAM Magazine. I got to know when he chose to review the Sahara Slate PC and needed access to one; this time Adam has written an article on the EO. While most of it is not very flattering all-in-all its not as scathing as some others Ive read recently.

Adam is known for his frankness and yet on this occasion he has also put on his "Swiss Soccer Jersey" and remained as neutral as possible (my literary reference to the current FIFA action).

Here is the article written on 13th June 2006 in the Sydney Morning Herald, titled Keep taking the Tablets.


At first the v7110 appears to be this dream device, but because the screen is practically useless outside and you cant use it in portrait mode, the dream is somewhat spoilt.
Its also still a little heavy and bulky; wed at least want to halve the weight and thickness before declaring it the ultimate portable computing device. The v7110 lies somewhere between a tablet PC and a hand-held PC in terms size, features and performance.

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